This range has been created to represent the classic look of fantasy -- so it's not the modern conception of fantasy, in which everything seems to be on steroids, turned up to volume 11. We are first releasing the Riders of Nahor, who can be used for fantasy Arthurians, or as an archetypal massed cavalry force to destroy evil armies, perhaps via a flank charge, or even taking the enemy head-on.
The Orcs will be our current GOR range, with a few add-ons, in case you wanted to get a head start. They are currently in the "Raumm, Earl of Hell" range. Already built and awaiting painting are the Men of Darah from the South, with their huge war beasts, and the wild Ostermenn from the East.
Please note that, despite their classic appearance, these are modern, larger 15mm, similar to our MILLENNIUM range.