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KNOWN UNIVERSE -- 15mm Sci Fantasy/Space Opera: Space Empires in Conflict
The great stellar empires have cruisers out in all directions, exploring, making contact with alien life forms and civilisations, and trading/allying/fighting with each other. This range will generally feature away teams from various spacefaring races, starting with marines/security details. Based on the popularity of individual stellar races, personalities (a captain, chief medical officer, and science officer, perhaps) will be made for them as well, as will alien civilians and wild creatures to fight. We may even make shuttles for them! It's also possible we may make heavier elements for land warfighting, such as vehicles and power-armoured Army forces, for a particularly well-received race.
The range will also feature non-exploring but typically horrible attackers, invasive species on a galactic level, the first being the Maggotons. The navy may be the first on hand to provide additional opposition for these pests, despite possibly being outgunned (and definitely outnumbered).
For context to help gamers, each of the many non-human races is rated for five key attributes -- Diplomacy, Cunning, Constitution, Aggression, and Military Proficiency. Each is rated from 2 (lowest) to 12. These are offered as a general guide to wargamers. For a gauge of the values, humans are a 7 at each of the ratings. This corresponds with the average result on 2D6.

Boldly going where no one has bothered before. And not always getting a friendly welcome when they get there! You know these chaps.
Diplomacy 7, Cunning 7, Constitution 7, Aggression 7, and Military Proficiency 7.

Horrible destroyers and pillagers, the Maggotons thrive on carnage -- literally. They're not here to subject you to their will as they cackle malevolently. They're here to eat you. And your cat. And possibly your house.
Maggoton forces always have swarms of Detomites in the van, running at great speeds, their ravening maws ready to attack. On their backs are explosives, which the Main Force commanders or the Great Maggots themselves can detonate at any time, causing a terrific explosion and a lethal shower of fragmentation.
Behind the Detomites are the more ordered platoons of the Maggoton Main Force, Detomites interbred with humans (don't ask). These creatures combine the savage hunter skills of the Detomites and the cunning and tactical finesse of humans. Supporting all these elements with heavy firepower are the ponderous Gunbeasts mounting massive weaponry. Finally, acting as command and a final reserve are the master race, the Great Maggots themselves, riding in skimmers enveloped in a force-field that provides tank-like protection.
Maggoton Detomites: Diplomacy 2, Cunning 2, Constitution 8, Aggression 12, and Military Proficiency 4.
Maggoton Main Force: Diplomacy 2, Cunning 5, Constitution 7, Aggression 9, and Military Proficiency 6.
Maggoton Gunbeasts: Diplomacy 2, Cunning 2, Constitution 10, Aggression 8, and Military Proficiency 5.
Maggoton Great Maggots: Diplomacy 2, Cunning 9, Constitution 9, Aggression 10, and Military Proficiency 8.
Maggoton notes:
Maggoton Gunbeasts come in two body halves, front and back. The two fronts have two back halves they match up with, but these can be swapped if you carefully bend the legs on the rear halves a bit.
Great Maggots are cast in white metal so their tentacles are flexible and can be (carefully!!!) bent to mate with the control panel of the skimmer. These skimmers are a bit complex to assemble, so if you're hopeless at building metal kits, you might want to skip them!
Code | Contents | Price (US$) | Order/Progress |
MAGGOTON-DETOMITES | Maggoton Detomites (x6) | $5.99 |
MAGGOTON-MAIN-FORCE | Maggoton Main Force (x9, six blasters, two heavy blasters, one section leader) | $7.99 |
MAGGOTON-GUNBEASTS | Maggoton Gunbeasts (x2, one with double rocket-launchers, the other with double heavy piercers) | $7.99 |
MAGGOTON-GREAT-MAGGOT-TEAM | Maggoton Great Maggot Skimmer Team (x3, three different poses of Great Maggots, two skimmers with Double Piercers, one skimmer with double rocket-launchers) | $24.99 |
MAGGOTON-GREAT-MAGGOT-PIERCER | Maggoton Great Maggot Skimmer with Double Piercers (x1, with random Great Maggot, might be different from pose shown in illustration) | $8.99 |
MAGGOTON-GREAT-MAGGOT-ROCKET | Maggoton Great Maggot Skimmer with Double Rocket-Launchers (x1, with random Great Maggot, might be different from pose shown in illustration) | $8.99 |

The Tahey evolved from flying Reptilian creatures but are incapable of anything but a short glide -- their wings are mostly vestigial. They send their cruisers to the far reaches of space in search of allies against the horrible Thunder Worms, and for trade in the many raw materials which they long ago depleted from their home systems. They are forceful but charismatic, making allies easily.
The Tahey use blasters -- the small number of marines on board each cruiser are armed with heavy blasters. Tahey security and military forces wear a liquid-armour vest which self-repairs.
Diplomacy 9, Cunning 6, Constitution 6, Aggression 8, and Military Proficiency 6.