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15mm Punic and Macedonian Wars of the Roman Republic, 218BC-168BC

This range represents the armies of the Senate and the People of Rome from the Second Punic War until Macedon was all but conquered by them in 168BC, and Greece brought under their sway as well. It will be expanded to cover Rome's enemies in the period as well.
Peoples who provided allies or auxiliaires to Rome, Carthage or the Successors will be released first as troops so provided only, but will then be reinforced so the armies can be fielded stand-alone. For instance, our second release, Numidians, will first be light cavalry and light infantry, so that they may be used in Roman and Carthaginian armies, but will eventually be rounded out to be made as standalone national forces once the main empires are all represented.

An army about which countless volumes have been written. We have represented the helmet plume under the advice of Duncan Head, and a new interpretation of Polybius's description of the plumes, which now accords with material evidence shown in art, and on the few surviving helmets, as well. He was also kind enough to point us to representations of troops likely to have been Italian allies, who appear to be basically similar in appearance to the Romans, which by 218 BC is hardly surprising. Unlike the Romans, armoured men tend to wear full cuirasses, but otherwise they are unarmoured and in tunics and helmets similar to those of the Romans. We have chosen to identify the Italians wearing cuirasses as the picked troops called "Extraordinarii" were were usually to be found in Roman armies.
Code | Contents | Price (US$) | Order/Progress |
PMW-ROMAN-GENERALS | 15mm Republican Roman Generals (consuls or legates, etc), (x2) | $3.49 |
PMW-ROMAN-INF-COMM | 15mm Republican Roman Infantry Command (x6 in six poses, two centurions, cornicens, two signifers, and six standards, two signa and four animal) | $5.29 |
PMW-HASTATI-NO-PIL | 15mm Roman Hastati (first line legionaries), Scuta without Pila (x6 in six poses, shields without pila behind) | $4.99 |
PMW-HASTATI-PIL | 15mm Roman Hastati, Scuta with Pila (x6 in six poses, shields with pila behind) | $4.99 |
PMW-PRINCIPES-PIL | 15mm Roman Principes, Scuta with Pila (x6 in six poses, shields with pila behind) | $4.99 |
PMW-PRINCIPES-NO-PIL | 15mm Roman Principes (second line legionaries), Scuta without Pila (x6 in six poses, shields without pila behind) | $4.99 |
PMW-TRIARII | 15mm Roman Triarii (third line legionaries with long spears) (x6 in six poses) | $4.99 |
PMW-VELITES-HELM | 15mm Roman Velites (legionary skirmishers) in helmets (x4 in four poses) | $2.99 |
PMW-VELITES-SKINS | 15mm Roman Velites (legionary skirmishers) in animal skins (x4 in four poses) | $2.99 |
PMW-VELITES-BARE | 15mm Roman Velites (legionary skirmishers) bareheaded (as hastily raised, or Italian allies with small shield, etc.) (x4 in four poses) | $2.99 |
PMW-EXTRAORD-INF | 15mm Roman Extraordinarii Infantry (elite Italian allies) (x4 in four poses) | $3.39 |
PMW-ROMAN-EQUITES | 15mm Republican Roman Equites in Armour (x3 in three poses) | $5.29 |
PMW-ROMAN-EXTRAORD-CAV | 15mm Republican Roman Extraordinarii Cavalry (elite Italian allies) in Cuirass (x3 in three poses) | $5.29 |
PMW-ROMAN-ITAL-CAV | 15mm Republican Roman Italian Allied (or other unarmoured Roman) Cavalry in tunic (x3 in three poses) | $5.29 |

Numidians were justly famous for their incredible light horsemen -- in an age in which large numbers of archers were not present, Numidians were the problem on the battlefield to which there were relatively few solutions, and their presence on one's side often meant the difference between victory and defeat. Although most renowned for their skirmishing horse, these tribes fielded large numbers of light infantry as well, who at times wore the skins of predatory animals. These infantry were used by both the Carthaginians and, later, the Romans as auxiliaries.
Most ranges depict the Numidians as they (or Moors) are shown on Trajan's column, but in this much earlier period, they are described as wearing goat skins, with the tufts of fur not shorn off around the edges. This was probably fairly tough and may have provided a bit of protection from blows as well. We should point out that the Numidian horses absolutely do fit on the 40x30 bases -- they were mounted at an angle by the painter only to depict them outflanking.

Hannibal led arguably the greatest army in history to victory after victory in Italy. The first releases in this range represent his army from right before Cannae until the return to Africa that led to final defeat at Zama.
Our first set of Gallic foot for this period represent Hannibal's Gauls in Italy. They are described as fighting stripped to the waist. The Libyan light javelinmen are called longchophoroi, meaning they likely carried a long close-combat spear as well as javelins. By Cannae, all the fighting elephants had died, although it's possible that one survived and was ridden by Hannibal when not in battle. We have depicted the veterans in captured Roman armour as wearing greaves on both legs, and using short spears. It's also possible they used longer spears and we will be releasing a set of those in due course.
Numidians are in their own entry on this page. At Cannae, there don't seem to have been any Carthaginian noble cavalry, elephants, or Celtiberians. The light infantry at that battle seem to have been Balearic slingers (who were devastatingly effective) and Libyan longchophoroi, although it's possible there may have been some Numidian light infantry as well. Italian allies can be provided from the Italians in the Roman range. Lesser Italian infantry were also provided but were of highly dubious value, and Hannibal doesn't seem to have used them in his main army.
Iberians are, of course, "Spanish."