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Ravenna to Rome: Early Sixteen Century Italian Wars Range, 1509-27

French ambitions in Italy embroiled much of Europe in constant conflict in that land for the first half of the sixteenth century. The period this range focuses on, essentially from the Battle of Ravenna to the Sack of Rome, has the most battles and the well-known flamboyant fashions of the period and theater were by now well-established. (Technically 1509-27 is from the Battle of Agnadello to the Sack of Rome, but "Agnadello to Rome" is less alliterative.) Warfare was an extremely colourful combination of old and new -- knights in impressive full plate fought side by side with infantry with firearms; huge columns of spearmen charged artillery on wheeled carriages.
How this store page is organised:
1) The first series of listings are for gendarmes or elmeti of the period, as these were largely similar from nation to nation. They come with a number of different options:
- "Bases" (cloth coverings, sometimes simply skirts but occasionally encompassing a sleeved or sleeveless gown, an extremely common fashion in this period), or no bases
- Fluted armour (often called Maximilian armour, but used by other nations other than Imperials), or plain armour
- Unarmoured or lightly barded or heavy-barded horses
- Lance held at 45 degrees or lance held up
2) Following the gendarme listings are the Landsknechts and then the listings for specific nations.
Code | Contents | Price (US$) | Order/Progress |
E16THC-PL-GENDUP-BA-FH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances up, bases, on fully armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-PL-GENDUP-BA-LH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances up, bases, on lightly armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-PL-GENDUP-BA-UH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances up, bases, on unarmoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-PL-GEND45-BA-FH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances at 45 degrees, bases, on fully armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-PL-GEND45-BA-LH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances at 45 degrees, bases, on lightly armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-PL-GEND45-BA-UH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances at 45 degrees, bases, on unarmoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
Code | Contents | Price (US$) | Order/Progress |
E16THC-FLU-GENDUP-BA-FH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances up, bases, on fully armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-FLU-GENDUP-BA-LH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances up, bases, on lightly armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-FLU-GENDUP-BA-UH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances up, bases, on unarmoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-FLU-GEND45-BA-FH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances at 45 degrees, bases, on fully armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-FLU-GEND45-BA-LH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances at 45 degrees, bases, on lightly armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-FLU-GEND45-BA-UH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances at 45 degrees, bases, on unarmoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
Code | Contents | Price (US$) | Order/Progress |
E16THC-PL-GENDUP-NB-FH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances up, no bases, on fully armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-PL-GENDUP-NB-LH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances up, no bases, on lightly armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-PL-GENDUP-NB-UH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances up, no bases, on unarmoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-PL-GEND45-NB-FH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances at 45 degrees, no bases, on fully armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-PL-GEND45-NB-LH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances at 45 degrees, no bases, on lightly armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-PL-GEND45-NB-UH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in plain armour, lances at 45 degrees, no bases, on unarmoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
Code | Contents | Price (US$) | Order/Progress |
E16THC-FLU-GENDUP-NB-FH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances up, no bases, on fully armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-FLU-GENDUP-NB-LH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances up, no bases, on lightly armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-FLU-GENDUP-NB-UH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances up, no bases, on unarmoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-FLU-GEND45-NB-FH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances at 45 degrees, no bases, on fully armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-FLU-GEND45-NB-LH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances at 45 degrees, no bases, on lightly armoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
E16THC-FLU-GEND45-NB-UH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarmes in fluted armour, lances at 45 degrees, no bases, on unarmoured horses (x3) | $5.49 |
Code | Contents | Price (US$) | Order/Progress |
E16THC-GENDCOMM-NB-FH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarme Commanders or High Command, no bases, on fully armoured horses (x3) | $4.99 |
E16THC-GENDCOMM-NB-LH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarme Commanders or High Command, no bases, on lightly armoured horses (x3) | $4.99 |
E16THC-GENDCOMM-NB-UH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarme Commanders or High Command, no bases, on unarmoured horses (x3) | $4.99 |
E16THC-GENDCOMM-BA-FH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarme Commanders or High Command, bases, on fully armoured horses (x3) | $4.99 |
E16THC-GENDCOMM-BA-LH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarme Commanders or High Command, bases, on lightly armoured horses (x3) | $4.99 |
E16THC-GENDCOMM-BA-UH | 15mm Early 16th Century Gendarme Commanders or High Command, bases, on unarmoured horses (x3) | $4.99 |
E16THC-TRUMPTERS-SM | 15mm Early 16th Century Trumpeters on smaller horses (x2) | $3.39 |
These Germans (which term would have included some men from the Low Countries and other Germanic lands) were the universal soldiers of the early to mid Sixteenth Century. Like the Swiss they imitated, they fought in large infantry columns, although according to Delbruck, in wider and not quite as deep formations. They typically wore armour based on their age, wealth and experience. Doppelsoldner were the double-pay men who fought in the front of the formation and wore the heaviest armour. Mittelsoldner (a term used here for convenience, which was more commonly used shortly after our period) wore some armour and would fill in the ranks right behind the Dopplesoldner. Many if not most men would be Blussknechte, wearing no armour. Armour was very commonly worn by Landsknecht arquebusiers in this period as well.
Each set of pikemen/halberdiers is available either bare (so that you can supply your own pike, with pewter pikes, or with pewter halberds. All poses are illustrated, but not all sets are illustrated with all weapons options. The special Landsknecht combat force provides enough figurines for two 32 figurine Landsknecht combat columns (with a couple of figurines left over, including three command and six halberdiers to add to middle elements.
Code | Contents | Price (US$) | Order/Progress |
E16THC-LANDSK-COMBAT-FORCE-PK | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht combat force, WITH PEWTER PIKES -- enough for one screen of six arquebusiers and two 32-figurine pike columns -- one pack arquebusiers, one pack infantry command, two packs doppelsoldners, three packs mittelsoldners, five packs blussknechte, one packet of 6 separate halberds and nine packets of 6 separate pikes | $64.99 |
E16THC-LANDSK-COMBAT-FORCE-NW | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht combat force, NO PIKES -- enough for one screen of six arquebusiers and two 32-figurine pike columns -- one pack arquebusiers, one pack infantry command, two packs doppelsoldners, three packs mittelsoldners, five packs blussknechte, one packet of 6 separate halberds -- you must supply your own pikes | $52.99 |
E16THC-LANDSK-DOPPEL-PK | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht heavily armoured dopplesoldner, supplied with pewter pikes (x6) | $5.99 |
E16THC-LANDSK-DOPPEL-HLB | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht heavily armoured dopplesoldner, supplied with pewter halberds (x6) | $5.99 |
E16THC-LANDSK-DOPPEL-NW | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht heavily armoured dopplesoldner, not supplied with weapon (x6, add your own pike) | $4.49 |
E16THC-LANDSK-MITTEL-PK | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht armoured mittelsoldner, supplied with pewter pikes (x6) | $5.99 |
E16THC-LANDSK-MITTEL-HLB | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht armoured mittelsoldner, supplied with pewter halberds (x6) | $5.99 |
E16THC-LANDSK-MITTEL-NW | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht armoured mittelsoldner, not supplied with weapon (x6, add your own pike) | $4.49 |
E16THC-LANDSK-BLUSS-PK | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht unarmoured blussknechte, supplied with pewter pikes (x6) | $5.99 |
E16THC-LANDSK-BLUSS-HLB | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht unarmoured blussknechte, supplied with pewter halberds (x6) | $5.99 |
E16THC-LANDSK-BLUSS-NW | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht unarmoured blussknechte, not supplied with weapon (x6, add your own pike) | $4.49 |
E16THC-LANDSK-ARQUEBUS | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht Arquebusiers (x6) | $4.49 |
E16THC-LANDSK-INF-COMM | 15mm Early 16th Century Landsknecht Infantry Command (x6 -- two drummers, two fahnentrager, one young nobleman, one old campaigner) | $5.99 |
These are the lighter cavalry, infantry and artillery for French armies of this period. The infantry depicted in these codes are in the "avventurier" style, which appears to have partly emulated the fashions of the Italian, German and Swiss soldiers they would have had constant contact with when campaigning in Italy. This was a departure from the national garb of the French -- gowns or jackets. The mounted crossbowmen may have simply been these same "avventuriers" on horseback (it's unclear whether they shot on horseback or dismounted to fight), so are dressed in the same style. The horsemen in the French range -- Archers and Argoulets -- and the artillerists are dressed in more typical French clothing of the period.
These are the core English troops of the period. Mercenaries can be provided from the other sets from this range.