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The Rise of the Garn -- 15mm Black Powder Sci Fi Gaming
In the 26th century AD the tyrannosauroid Garn aliens are one of the great rivals to the Federation of Human Planets, but like all other races, they had to literally claw their way to dominion over their own world, for multiple species had already reached sentience by the time the Garn had.
The most successful of these were the Arak, but there were several before them, all subjugated by the Arak before the Arak were in turn crushed by the Garn. The technology at the time was equivalent to that on Earth in the early nineteenth century, and like on Earth not all sentients had the same technology, some still living at lower tech levels.
This range will be perfect for VSF gaming, for sci fi gaming using aliens with early tech, or for some of the strangest Napoleonics gaming ever!

For many centuries the Arak were the great power of planet Torosus, with a balanced, professional army armed with blackpowder weapons -- a key advantage over the other sentients who had risen on the planet. The core of the Arak armies are the brood-battalions of Arak Infantry, armed with a short blackpowder smoothbore and a sword-bayonet. Many of them deployed in deep columns to better facilitate the war of concentration and manouevre that brought the Arak Emperor (called by some a tyrant), Qoor-Sekan, so many victories. Each unit was given a Spider Standard with a golden spider atop it, a precious and revered symbol of the unit's attachment to emperor and nation.
Entire Arak infantry units could, and often did, break out into skirmish formation to pour fire on the enemy -- combined with the concentration of force of the attack columns, this was almost always enough to secure victory.
Meanwhile, mounted on the powerful Great Plains Klor, the dashing Arakavalry would seek out enemy flanks or force opposing infantry formations to deploy defensively, giving Qoor-Sekan time to mass his own forces. Alternately, when the Arak were in danger, such as at the Battle of El-Oww, they could launch a desperate charge to delay the enemy advance.
Qoor-Sekan began his own career as a commander in the Arakannonry, a corps of heavy guns that can be deployed in small numbers to boost weak infantry forces or massed to blow a hole in the enemy lines. Against less advanced enemies, such as the Slith, the Arakannonry was often enough to win a battle singlehandedly.
At the head of the armies were Arak who had, by skill or cunning (or, occasionally, relation to Qoor-Sekan) risen to command. These hardened veterans who had risen to the Arakommand were awarded a leather cap indicative of their ability to order the instant death of any Arak which failed in its duty to army and emperor.
The Great Plains Klor is also available separately to represent the creatures as they wandered the great plains of Broodfast, the continent on which the Arak rose to sentience. Using their sharp fangs to catch and crack open the crawling fruit of the plains, these ornery creatures are powerful and aggressive, and capable of delivering a decapitating bite. However, they are accustomed to moving in herds and are very responsive to training, making them ideal war mounts. The Klor models have separate heads which are interchangable in order to give four different variations.
Code | Contents | Price (US$) | Order/Progress |
ARAK-MARCH-ATTACK | 15mm Arak blackpowder alien infantry brood, march attack (x18 -- four each of four trooper poses plus a standardbearer and officer) | $12.99 |
ARAK-SHOOTING | 15mm Arak blackpowder alien infantry brood, skirmishing or firing line (x18 -- four each of four trooper poses plus a standardbearer and officer) | $12.99 |
ARAKAVALRY | 15mm Arakavalry blackpowder alien mounted (x4 riders in two trooper poses, plus x4 Great Plains Klor mounts in two poses with separate heads) | $11.99 |
ARAKAVALRY-COMMAND | 15mm Arakavalry blackpowder alien mounted command (x4 riders -- one trooper pose, one spiderbearer, one musician, and one officer, plus x4 Great Plains Klor mounts in two poses with separate heads) | $11.99 |
ARAKANNON | 15mm Arakannon blackpowder alien artillery piece (one weapon and three crew-arak) | $4.99 |
ARAKOMMAND | 15mm Arak blackpowder alien mounted high command set (Two high commanders, two aides, plus x4 Great Plains Klor mounts in two poses with separate heads) | $11.99 |
ARAK-COMBAT-FORCE-DEAL | 15mm Arak blackpowder alien combat force deal (x2 sets of Arak infantry march attack, x2 sets Arak infantry skirmishing/firing line, x2 sets Arakavalry command, x2 sets Arakavalry, x2 sets Arakannon, x1 set Arakommand) | $118.99 |
GREAT-PLAINS-KLOR | 15mm Great Plains Klor alien creatures (x4 Great Plains Klors in two poses with separate heads) | $8.99 |

The oldest race on Torosus were the Mozzians, living in the rainforests, jungles, and, in other regions, in great cave cities, typically not venturing out because they required a damp environment to thrive. The Mozzians were slow but physically large and immensely strong, and were well protected by their vestigial shells, into which they were able to contract their entire body, as long as they stripped off all of their gear (much to the surprise of their vertebrate foes, who couldn't conceive how they were able to disappear into a shell so relatively small). However, Mozzians did not typically contract into their shells during battle, instead turning their backs on the enemy for a moment after hearing the discharge of musketry -- the shell provided excellent protection against Arak musketballs.
Mozzians were called "Jezsnailis" when they marched (slowly) to war. Their primary weapon was the huge Jezsnail musket, which could either fire a single solid shot at almost artillery distance, or a wad of buckshot that could shred several foes at once at close range. In close combat, Jezsnailis would scrape a wad of mucus from their bodies and hurl it at their opponents, the mucus being highly corrosive and fatal if not promptly removed. Mozzian warbands were led by their elders, who sent commands silently, using powerful pheromones that were quickly
transmitted over long distances.
The Mozzians were redoubtable foes -- slow but very strong and extremely hard to kill -- and it took the Arak many years to eradicate them, and whilst doing so the Arak lost several large battles to the Mozzian tribes. However, in the end the Mozzians were driven from their strongholds and killed to the last creature, although rumors persist amongst the Garn that there are still some Mozzians surviving in the deepest jungles of Torosus. The length of the Mozzian-Arak War gave the Garn several extra years to prepare for the great struggle for planetary supremacy.