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Late Roman to Early Byzantine, 3rd - 7th centuries AD

Late Roman Legionary in chainmail and ridge helmet, and Late Roman Equites in chainmail and spangenhelm, as painted and based by .
A line of models for the end of the Roman Empire and the period of the Patricians, when barbarians changed forever the composition of the Roman armies, finishing with the Belisarian Byzantine armies in which armoured horse archers predominated (many of the more specifically Patrician and Early Byzantine codes are at the bottom of the list).
The essential troops are now all available. Variants of the essential troops will be added periodically.
Germans and Huns are complete as well and will have their own pages on the webstore.
Update July 12, 2009: added Patrician/Early Byzantine cavalry codes to the bottom of the list -- scroll down to see them.
Sculpted by "clibinarium."
Code | Contents | Price (US$) | Order/Progress |
LIR-RIDGE-CHAIN | LIR Armoured infantry advancing, lancea, ridged helmet, chainmail (x 12, three poses) | $7.99 |
LIR-SPANGEN-CHAIN | LIR Armoured infantry advancing, lancea, spangenhelm, chainmail (x 12, three poses) | $7.99 |
LIR-RIDGE-CHAIN-CM | LIR Armoured infantry command, ridged helmet, chainmail (x 6, three poses) | $3.99 |
LIR-SPANGEN-CHAIN-CM | LIR Armoured infantry command, spangenhelm, chainmail (x 6, three poses) | $3.99 |
LIR-RIDGE-UNARM | LIR Unarmoured infantry advancing, lancea, ridged helmet (x 12, three poses) | $7.99 |
LIR-SPANGEN-UNARM | LIR Unarmoured infantry advancing, lancea, spangenhelm (x 12, three poses) | $7.99 |
LIR-RIDGE-UNARM-CM | LIR Unarmoured infantry command, ridged helmet (x 6, three poses) | $3.99 |
LIR-SPANGEN-UNARM-CM | LIR Unarmoured infantry command, spangenhelm (x 6, three poses) | $3.99 |
LIR-INF-SKIRM | LIR Unarmoured infantry skirmishing with javelins, spangenhelm and ridge helmet (x 4) | $2.69 |
LIR-ARCHER-PILL | LIR Archer infantry shooting, pillbox hat and bareheaded (x 4) | $2.69 |
LIR-ARCHER-SPANGEN | LIR Archer infantry shooting, spangenhelms (x 4) | $2.69 |
LIR-ARCHER-RIDGE | LIR Archer infantry shooting, ridged helmets (x 4) | $2.69 | |
LIR-SLINGER | LIR Slinger infantry skirmishing, bareheaded (x 4) | $2.69 |
LIR-ARTILL | LIR bolt shooter, commander and two crew in Pannonian caps | $3.29 | |
LIR-CAV-SPANGEN | LIR Heavy cavalry spatha, chainmail and spangenhelm (x 6) | $8.99 | |
LIR-CAV-RIDGE | LIR Heavy cavalry spatha, chainmail and ridge helmet (x 6) | $8.99 | |
LIR-LC-SPANGEN | LIR Light cavalry javelins, spangenhelm (x 6) | $8.99 | |
LIR-LC-BOW | LIR Light cavalry horse archers, shooting (x 6) | $8.99 |
LIR-CLIBAN | LIR Clibanarii very heavily armoured cavalry on armoured horses (x 6) | $8.99 |
LIR-ALAN-UNAR-HRS | LIR Equites Alani armoured cavalry on unarmoured horses (x 6) | $8.99 |
LIR-ALAN-ARM-HRS | LIR Equites Cataphractarii or Alans, armoured cavalry on armoured horses (x 6) | $8.99 |
LIR-HIGH-COMM | LIR Mounted high command (x 6, two sets of general, musician, standardbearer) | $8.99 | |
KM-544 | Patrician/Early Byzantine Heavy Cavalry, bows (x 6, four breakwaist multipose models and two one-piece models) | $7.99 |
KM-545 | Patrician/Early Byzantine "Bukelarii" heavy cavalry, lance and bow(x 6) | $7.99 |
KM-546 | Patrician/Early Byzantine High Command (x 3) | $3.99 |
KM-547 | Patrician/Early Byzantine small round cavalry shields (x 12) | $1.99 |
KM-548 | Late Roman/Early Byzantine (Vienna Genesis) Soldier's Tent | $1.39 | |
TR-8 | Stone wall section (1 x 40mm length) | $2.49 |
TR-7 | Supply Ox Cart | $4.49 |